Kumkum Bhattacharya

Brief Profile
Prof. Kumkum Bhattacharya has worked in various renowned universities and engineering colleges at various parts of India. She has worked as a testing software engineer, and also been associated with different soil testing project preparations as engineer.
Her areas of interest are pavement materials behavior and its implementations, infrastructure development, smart material innovations and its wide applications, urban development, highway engineering, construction management, remote sensing and geoinformatics.
In the academia for more than 9 years and having industry experience, she has been involved in various Co-curricular and extracurricular activities and guiding students with zest.
Educational Qualifications
- Tech in Transport Engineering from L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad with 8.65 CGPA in 2014.
Thesis: “Study of Rutting and Surface Behavior of Urban Flexible Pavement”.
- Tech in Civil Engineering from S.R.M University, Chennai with 9.04 CGPA in 2008.
- Diploma in Civil Engineering from Nowgong Polytechnic, Assam with 68% in 2004.
Awards / Achievements
- Received Performance based Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence in B.TECH.
- Tech project selected by Tamil Nadu Pollution Board.
- Study of Rutting and Surface Behavior of Urban Flexible Pavemen in International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET). eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
- Understanding of Rutting and Surface Behavior of Urban Flexible Pavemen in International Journal of Innovative Research and Development (IJIRD).Jan-2014
- Assessment of Heterogeneous Traffic at Roundabout using VISSIM inInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) e-ISSN: 2393-9877, p-ISSN: 2394-2444
- Barriers in Implementation of Geosynthetics Applications in International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology (IJAREST) e-ISSN: 2393-9877, p-ISSN: 2394-2444.
- Case study on conditions of Faridabad roa in National conference on recent trends in science and technology” Echelon Institute of Technology Faridabad.Feb-2017
- Study on construction of expressway in International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology (IJAREST). September- 2017
Professional Affiliations
- Life- time membership of Institute of Engineers
Professional Work Experience
- Adhoc Assistant Professor at Civil Engineering Department: Saffrony Institute of Technology, S.P.B .Patel Enginering Colliege .Linch Mehsana Feb 2019 to present date.
- Assistant Professor at Jharkhand Rai University, Kamre, Ranchi. Feb 2018 to Feb 2019.
- Assistant Professor at Echelon Institute Of Technology, Faridabad. Delhi. Aug 2016 to Nov 2017.
- Lecturer at Leelaben Dashratbhai Ramdas Patel (LDRP), Institute Of Science And Technology, Gandhinagar, July 2014 To July 2016.
- Lecturer at U V Patel College of Engineering, Mehsana, July 2010 to August 2012.
- Visiting Faculty, Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (Cipet), Ahmadabad, Gujarat.
- Engineer, M.K. Soil Testing Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Nov 2009 to May 2010.
- Engineer, Caritor (India) Pvt Ltd, Chennai, November 2008 To January 2009.
Workshops / STTPs / FDPs / Training Programs
- Attended a One week QIP Programme at IIT Bombay on ‘Enhancement of Foundation Engineering’. June- 2010
- Organized a Two Day workshop on “Utilization of TS (total station) in Civil Engineering fields” at JRU campus, Ranchi in March -18.
Seminars / Expert Talks
- Organized an expert talk on “Remote Sensing and its application in Smart City Development” by Er. Praveen Kumar RDD officer, MYSF(USA), MAGS(USA). March 2018
- Organized an expert talk on “Water supply issues in the urban areas” by Er. Sherdendu Narayan PHED Bihar, DWSD Jharkhand, Assistant Engineer, Consultant. September -2018