Virenkumar Patel

Brief Profile
Prof. Viren Patel has a total 6 years and 6 months experience among them 6 years and 2 months Academic experience in S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, B. S. Patel, Ganpat Vidhyanagar and L.C. Institute of Technology and 4 months Industry experience in Harra Pvt. Limited.
His areas of interest are programming C, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Object Oriented Programming using JAVA, Advanced JAVA, Software Design, Visual Basic Application and Programminmg, Database Management System, Computer Graphics, Information and Network Security and Distributed System. His areas of research are Routing Algorithms & Memory Management in Delay Tolerant Network and networking issues in Mobile Ad-hoc Network.
Educational Qualifications
Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering, S. P. B. Patel Engg. College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana, Gujarat, India affiliated to Gujarat Technological University in 2013.
Thesis: Vibrant Energy Aware Spary and Wait Routing in Delay Tolerant Network
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering from C. U. Shah College, Wadhwan, Gujarat, India affiliated to Saurashtra University in 2009.
Awards / Achievements
- Received a certificate of appreciation for final year project ‘Cloud Based Document Life Cycle Management’ as a part of Shri Devang Mehta IT Awards in 2016.
- Received a certificate of appreciation for best PG guide in year 2015 from S. P. B. Patel Engineering College.
- Presented and published, Volatile Spray And Wait Routing In Delay Tolerant Network, IEEE International conference on ICACCE-2015, 72-77, 978-1-4799-1734-1/15. (Co-author)
- Contact Time Oriented Spray Phase In Delay Tolerant Networks, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development-2015, Volume 2,Issue 6, pp. 108-112, June -2015, e-ISSN(O): 2348-4470, p-ISSN(P): 2348-6406. (Co-author)
- Contingency Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks, published in International Journal of Advanced Research, IJAR, Volume-5, Issue 1, ISSN-2249-555X Impact factor 2.1652, and presented at Saffrony Institute of Technology, Saffrony Institute of Technology International Conference on Advances in Engineering-2015, organized by Saffrony Institute of Technology on 22nd -23rd January 2015. (Co-author)
- Selection of Best Resources and Advance Resource Reservation for Complex Jobs in Grid Computing Environment, published in International Journal of Advanced Research, IJAR, Volume-5, Issue 1, ISSN-2249-555X Impact factor 2.1652, and presented at Saffrony Institute of Technology, Saffrony Institute of Technology International Conference on Advances in Engineering-2015, organized by Saffrony Institute of Technology on 22nd -23rd January 2015. (Co-author)
- IPRoPHET Forwarding Routing Scheme In Delay Tolerate Network, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 544-546, Vol. 2, Issue 03, 2014, ISSN (online): 2321-0613. (Co-author)
- A Popularity-Aware Buffer Management System To Stored Packet Memory In Message Transmission Grade In DTN, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 21-26, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 2( Version 6), February 2014. (Co-author)
- Efficient Forwarding Routing Scheme in Delay Tolerate Network, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2670-2673, ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 3 Issue 1, January – 2014. (Co-author)
- Vibrant Energy Aware Spray and Wait Routing in Delay Tolerant Network, presented at national conference on Innovative and Emerging Technologies NCIET- 2013 organised by Smt. S. R. Patel Engineering College, Dabhi, and published in the conference book, pp. 274-277, ISBN 978-81-925650-0-2. (Co-author)
Professional Affiliations
Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE) - Life Member
Technical Software Skills
Programming Languages: |
C, Graphics in C, C ++, Java (Core and Advanced), Visual Basic |
Operating Systems |
Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Linux, Ubuntu |
Tools and IDE’s: |
Turbo C, Net Beans, Ellipse IDE, Dream viewer, Notepad++, Wireshark |
Web Technologies: |
HTML, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, XML, PHP-Joomla |
Database Systems: |
MS Access, My SQL, Oracle 8i-9i-10g |
Web Frameworks: |
Hibernate, JSF, Spring |
Designing Tools: |
Adobe Photoshop |
Professional Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, Department, S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Mehsana, Gujarat, since 3rd July, 2013.
- Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, Department, L.C. Institute of Technology, Bhandu, Gujarat, July 2009 to June 2011.
- Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, Department, S. Patel, Ganpat Vidhyanagar, Kherva, Gujarat, July to October 2011.
- Software Developer, Harra Pvt. Limited, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, March to June 2009.
Workshops / STTPs / FDPs / Training Programs
- Attended a one week industrial training on ‘Hibernate and Spring Framework’ in JAVA at Soft Van Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad from 21st to 25th March, 2017.
- Attended a four day workshop on ‘Core Java, Jsp & Database Connectivity’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 30th and 31st December, 2016 and second phase held on 6th and 7th January, 2017.
- Organized a two day workshop on ‘HTML, Bootstrap and AngularJS’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana from 17th to 18th December, 2016.
- Attended a one week industrial training on JSP, JDBC and Servlet in JAVA at Soft Van Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad from 3rd to 10th December, 2016.
- Organized an IITB Spoken Tutorial & Quiz Competition on ‘Object oriented programming using JAVA’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 6th July, 2015.
- Organized a GUJCOST sponsored five day national level STTP on ‘Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 24th and 28th February 2015.
- Organized a GUJCOST sponsored two days National level workshop on ‘Spring, Hibernate and JSF’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 18th and 19th February 2015.
- Attended a one week STTP on ‘Java Fundamental & Programming by Oracle’ at GTU from 1st to 5th December, 2014.
- Organized a one day workshop on ‘Advance Network Technology Red Hat’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 7th October, 2014.
- Organized a one day 'Hands On Exercise On Ideation Canvas' at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony, Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 4th October, 2014.
- Organized a one day Campus Road show By Google Developers Group on Google's 16th Birthday, 27th September 2014.
- Organized a two day workshop on ‘PHP Application Development using Wordpress’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony, Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 12th and 13th September, 2014 and second phase on 22nd and 23rd August, 2014.
- Attended a two day hands-on workshop on ‘Development Of Innovation Frameworks For Making Final Year Projects More Innovative’ organized by GTU Ahmadabad from 2nd August, 2014 to 3rd August, 2014.
- Attended a two day GTU's Newsletter workshop on ‘How to Write’ organized by Gujarat Technological University from 26th July, 2014 to 27th July, 2014.
- Attended a two week STTP on ‘Computer Networking’ conducted by IIT Bombay from 30th June to 5th July, 2014.
- Organized a two day workshop on ‘AWOS-11’ at L.C. Institute of Technology, Bhandu in April-2011.
Seminars / Expert Talks
- Attended a seminar on ‘Internet of Things’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 20th February, 2017.
- Organized a Public Lecture on ‘Skill Development for Young Engineers to Reform the Core Sector: Vision 2025’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 16th September, 2016.
- Organized a one day seminar on ‘PSAR - Patent Search and Analysis Report’ and Shodh Yatra at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on 27th June, 2014.
- Organized a one day seminar on ‘Advance Network Technology Red Hat’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on June, 2014.
- Organized a one day seminar on ‘Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security’ at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana on September, 2013
Key Projects of Students
- Research project on ‘Contact Time Oriented Spray Phase In Delay Tolerant Networks’ from June-2014 to May-2015 at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana.
- Research project on ‘Efficient Forwarding Routing Scheme in Delay Tolerate Network’ from July-2013 to May-2014 at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana.
- Research project on ‘A Popularity-Aware Buffer Management System to Stored Packet Memory in Massage Transmission Grade in Delay Tolerant Network’ from July-2013 to May-2014 at S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Mehsana.