The 5th Faculty Development Program in series at Saffrony Institute of Technology

was conducted by
Shri Kamal Dabawala on
5th and 6th December, 2019. The topic of this FDP was
Management' - One of the most crucial skills in life.
The very first statement of the session shared by Kamal Sir was 'Work expands as per the time available'. This single statement can give the substance of the topic. To explore the topic 'Time Management', various Fun-n-learn activities were held such as Cut the

circle, Tower building

activity, Letter from

god etc. We are nothing but the jugglers who have to 'balance all the balls as a juggler (balls such as Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit)'
and make sure no ball falls. The trainer made the faculties perceive Time


Money through an activity named 'Letter from

GOD'. How priority

setting is important to achieve time management was shown through a demonstration. It was about filling the Jar by using big stones, pebbles and sand with the condition that everything should fit in the given Jar. It is not just about filling the jar anyhow but how and in what sequence to fill it is important. The session ended with 'Important vs. urgent matrix' also known as 'Eisenhower Principle'.